
Doctor lecture

So, I recently went to the doctor for a follow up. I have been on antidepressants for a few years now and go back occasionally to see how it's working. This time I am about 30lbs heavier and he was very concerned! smiley. He blamed the drugs and is trying to get me to switch drugs lol. I was warned of the health risk, etc but I did mention that I don't "mind" the weight. All tests came in great. I think the hardest part of the experience was trying to hide how exciting this experience was smiley. Anyone else have a similar experience and how did it make you feel?
13 years

Doctor lecture

First of all, you (or your insurance company) is paying the doctor. So, therefore you are the customer. You are not required to follow the doctor's orders. You are legally able to refuse any treatment.

The doctor can give his opinion, but it is up to you to make the decision. Many doctors like to play God and tell you how long you will live if you don't follow his orders. But the correct way for a doctor to state things is "this is more common with large people," NOT "If you don't do this you will die."
13 years